Friday, October 28, 2011

my antenna was frozen up

I was sitting here silpping a cup of joe, while i read the Bayfield blog, their are getting ready to hit the road and was checking the Temp. in the four corners area and it is going to be below freezing at night and they was worryed about their tanks freezing up. It made me to think of the time we were camp at Blue Bluff COE park in Mississippi around the 1st of Feb in 96 or 97. i was watching the new and they said that their was a Ice Storm heading for Mississippi out of Texan, i went and workup my wife and told her we had better get on the road to the house. I tryed to lower my Antenna However it was frozen up and would not move, while Carolyn was getting dress i heat up some water and i went up on the roof and pour hot water on it as Carolyn low it down, The water hose was frozen also so just unhook it and put in the back of my truck. We got the truck hookup and took off for the house about 60 miles away. By the time we got to within 5 miles of the house it had start to sleet on us and when we got home about 15 mins later it was covering the road good. We were having a good camping trip i was  sorry to see it end so fast, However we were safe and that is the main thing.

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