Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Update for paw

Well old paw is still kicking it's  a surprise to me every morning that he wakes up and i thank God for another day.  PAW said to me the other day that has got it all figured out That him and i have the worst job in the world and that is Retirement with nothing to do. That is the hardest job to have.

Paw has sworn that he would never plow again with a pair mules. Paw said that when you looking at the south end of a pair of
northbound Mules for a few months that army start to look mighty  good to you. I reckon it did PAW
was in that US Army for nine years and he wish that he had stay in until he could retire. However; he didn't realize at the time that his baby would die on him i a few years. It's been very lonely these pass few years. Paw sure did enjoy the time he had with her he will hole her in his heart, forever

Paw really likes his coffee in the morning and i like a cup or two also i can't get going until i have at lest one cup. Well that the way  it is with Paw today we hope that everyone has a great day today. God Bless

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