I haven't posted anything in awhile so here go. Maw has not improved any since the last post,However; she may be getting a little bit worst off. I fell so sorry for her. It sure seem like the summer has past real fast, I remember when i was a kid 7 or 8 years old that i use to ride my red wagon down steep hill and boy it sure went fast and sometime i had a wreck or two on the way down that is the way my life seem to be today i feel like a wreck is about to happen and their is not anything i can do about it.Hopefully everthing will turn out fine. And that the way it is today with Maw and Paw
28 Sep 2011
Temp 56 at 04:14hrs
Miles 18577
Howdy C&G,
I noticed where y'all were mentioned on the Bayfield Bunch blog and had to find out about y''all.. That ol' Alzheimer is a mean son-of-a-gun, ain't she!! I lost a friend 3 years ago(temporarily) after 5 years of fight and I mean FIGHT.. He loved her thru it all, tho!!! They had 6? years and 8 good kids and one renegade(she married a criminal)..
They had moved out here after being
raised in Tennessee, because of his health(1979).. Loved them like a brother&sister.. He's doing fine
only feebler(89).. Sure hope Maw
don't get like Irene did; she had been so sweet and gentle..
I hope & pray that y'all's camping time is NOT over, yet.. Traveling seems to help some folks and disturbs others.. Y'all are on our
prayer list; for peace, health and comfort..
May the next time y'all get to travel be with SMOOTH ROADS, CLEAR BLUE SKIES & BALMY BREEZES!!!!!!!!
butterbean carpenter
RunningStar Ranch
Coleman county
Thanks Butterbean; Hope you got my E-mail.
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